Гэрэлт таван эрдэнэ ХХК

Дараахын тухай мэдээлэл Гэрэлт таван эрдэнэ ХХК Odoo тусгал, Нээлттэй Эхтэй ERP.

Суулгасанд Аппликэшнууд

From quotations to invoices
Invoices & Payments
Сэжимүүдээ хянаж боломжуудыг хаах
Enterprise website builder
Manage your stock and logistics activities
Manage financial and analytic accounting
Худалдан авалт
Purchase orders, tenders and agreements
Борлуулалтын цэг
User-friendly PoS interface for shops and restaurants
Онлайн Худалдаа
Sell your products online
Manufacturing Orders & BOMs
Имэйл маркетинг
Зохиомж, эмэйлийг илгээх болон хөтлөх
Create and customize your Odoo apps
Хүний нөөц
Centralize employee information
Audit Log
Cubicsoft - Base Kit
This module include some extra settings
Cubicsoft - Enterprise Kit
This module include some extra settings
Cubicsoft - MRP Improvement
Add some extra features for Manufacturing app.
QPAY Base integration
Integrate QPAY base methods and configurations
Cubicsoft Barcode Extensions
In this feature, Odoo will allows to choose lot numbers once product barcode scanned on the stock barcode interface
Inventory Report Extensions
Inventory Extra Reports improve your inventory management efficiency
Odoo Web Console
Odoo Web Console
Арга хэмжээ
Арга хэмжээ нийтлэх, тасалбар худалдах
Chat, mail gateway and private channels
Харилцах хаяг
Centralize your address book
Schedule employees' meetings
Social Marketing
Manage your social media and website visitors
Маркетингийн автоматжуулалт
Build automated mailing campaigns
Амьд Хөөрөлдөөн
Chat with your website visitors
Send your surveys or share them live.
SMS Marketing
Design, send and track SMS
Зураасан код
Use barcode scanners to process logistics operations
Тэмдэглэл ашиглаж ажлаа зохион байгуул

Installed Localizations / Account Charts

Mongolia - Accounting
Mongolia - Accounting Reports